Where to Watch Chained Soldier Anime



"Chained Soldier" is based on the manga series written by Takahiro and illustrated by Yohei Takemura. The story is set in a world where mysterious portals called "Gates" have appeared, leading to another dimension infested with dangerous creatures. The anime follows Kyoya, a young man who becomes a slave to a powerful and enigmatic girl, using their combined strengths to fight off invaders and uncover the mysteries of the Gates.
This guide will give you an in-depth look at the anime's background, its release schedule, and where you can stream it, including how to navigate around geographical restrictions using SafeShell VPN.

Release Schedule of Chained Soldier


The anime adaptation of "Chained Soldier" was officially announced On November 19, 2021. The adapted anime has already aired from January to March 2024. This series promises to deliver action-packed scenes and an exploration of complex themes like power dynamics and bravery.

Where to Stream Chained Soldier


For fans eager to catch every episode of "Chained Soldier," the series is available on multiple streaming platforms known for their extensive anime collections:
  • Crunchyroll: Streams "Chained Soldier" globally, offering it in original Japanese audio with subtitles in several languages.


  • Funimation: Known for its simuldub service, Funimation provides English dubbed versions of the anime, available shortly after the original broadcast.


  • Hulu: Also streams the series in the United States, making it accessible to a wider American audience.

Watch Chained Soldier Anime with SafeShell VPN


While "Chained Soldier" is widely accessible, some viewers might face regional restrictions due to licensing agreements, which can limit the availability of the anime in certain countries. For viewers who encounter geo-restrictions, SafeShell VPN provides a simple and effective solution to access "Chained Soldier" from anywhere.
A safe and stable VPN tool is essential. SafeShell VPN is the VPN of choice for watching "Chained Soldier", significantly enhancing your viewing experience. Our service, with its global network of high-speed streaming servers, breaks geographical restrictions and has no bandwidth limits, allowing you to enjoy fast and high-definition streaming content. Our unique "ShellGuard" VPN protocol employs top-tier encryption technology, ensuring that while you enjoy lightning-fast internet speeds, your security is uncompromised.
SafeShell's innovative App Mode feature allows multiple applications to connect to different server locations simultaneously, providing a truly seamless online experience without the need to frequently switch servers. This convenience of setting once and applying forever is part of our commitment to offering you an exceptional VPN experience.

SafeShell VPN Features:


  • Connect Up to 5 Devices: Now supports macOS, iOS, Android, Apple TV, Android TV, Apple Vision Pro.


  • Exclusive App Mode: Enjoy content from multiple regions at the same time.


  • Lightning-Fast Speeds: No bandwidth or speed limits, experience unprecedented internet speed.


  • Top-Level Security: Proprietary "ShellGuard" VPN protocol to protect your private browsing.


  • Customer Support: Online customer service responds quickly, providing you with timely support.



Easy steps to use SafeShell VPN:

Final Word


"Chained Soldier" offers a fresh take on the action-fantasy genre, appealing to fans of intense battles and intricate world-building. By following this guide, you can easily find where to watch the anime and utilize SafeShell VPN to overcome any geographical barriers. Dive into the world of "Chained Soldier" and experience the thrilling adventures that await.
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